Saturday, July 19, 2008

So says chillin!

Never has one felt so frustrated in life that one just can’t think about anything else but failure to launch on the right path, failure in converting a dream into reality, a reality that is oxygen. Despite efforts that are no better than the best that can be made, there is no movement. The hinges of future plans suffer from lack of oiling; they creak in unison at every effort to open up the future. Opportunities coming for the future are so shrouded in doubt that time taken to clear the doubt kills the opportunity itself, never has one felt so hopeless in life.

It seems that it is sacrilege if one walks his own path, a path paved by him, maintained by him and leading to the destination built by him. What does one do, does he crib, and does he raise a hue and cry over it? None seems like a medication for this eternal pain, the medication for such pain does not exist, at least not tangibly. The pain is such that one stops looking for medication, he wants to sleep a sleep where his dream is the reality, where his desired future is the present and he is living every moment of it. Never has one slept so peacefully, the thought of waking up from it is blasphemy.

After all, peace is what he has in his sleep; peace is what we seek at the end of a journey called life. Peace is what we have when we achieve our goals, goals which can be personal or professional; it does not matter both are woven together and inseparable. Peace is a small word but it is something desirable by all and defined by all on their own. It does not have one meaning but many, meanings that we search for till our throats are parched our clothes wet and soiled with the sweat and toil that we put in in search of our own meaning. Does it pay for us to toil so much, for some of it does for some of us it does not. For here enters another essential of our lives, it is called destiny.

Destiny is some thing we write with our own two hands, whether we reach there or not depends on how we market it to ourselves, we can be either sold on the idea or someone else will pay a better price and own it before you know it. How many people in this world want their destiny being written by someone else, none.

It is time to wake up, time to splash some water on that face of yours, time to open your eyes wide and stretch yourself like never before and finally time to beat the hell out of life and take that last juice of accomplishment out of it. One should not know any path other than his own, one should not leave any stone unturned to make his journey a success. We have only one life, a life in which we can either die unknown or go down fighting still unknown but knowing very well there was no effort spared in getting there or being known like no other and dying a peaceful human.

The choice is ours, the life is ours and the success is ours, so says Chillin


pali tripathi said...

Nice Piece..could be inspirational to some!Though the idea of pursuing a goal like there was no tomorrow is often the be all and end all of every endeavour for some of us..the flipside to it is that often we are so enchanted by the "idea" of the pursuit that ,that itself becomes enough and the so called reality takes a back seat.

Interesting line of thought though..made a good read

j said...

Well written... can understand the frustration of being stuck in a seemingly stagnant life... the unpalatable urge to 'do something'...

But, I must say destiny is overrated. Are you sure the aim is to reach there? I believe the so called destiny is the path we choose to take in life and not where we finally reach in life.... so, at any given point in time, you are living your destiny....not chasing it.